Thursday, April 2, 2015

You guys are so immature

I graduated from high-school early. Why? Because I really wanted to get out of there. Wow, what an experience high-school was. Just a mosh-pit of raging hormones. I left and went to college at Virginia Commonwealth University. I only stayed there one semester before missing my good friends from home. So, I decided to transfer to the University of Buffalo with my buds, Kay and Barb.

We got ourselves into a very large 6 person room with three unknowns. The first week of school we noticed something strange about one of our roommates, Ellen had brought her cabbage patch doll. Not only had she brought it, she changed it into day clothes in the morning and pajamas every evening. We had to do something drastic!

We devised a devious plan to kidnap cabby. We took her, and left cutout ransom notes on Ellen's bed. 

"Leave $5.00 

behind the toilet of 

stall number 2 tonight 

if you ever want to see 

cabby alive again." 

We took pictures of cabby in different locations all over campus. We got her with her head in the toilet, hanging out of the 9th story window, on the bus, under a car tire, wherever we thought would be funny. Kay , Barb and I laughed and laughed and laughed at how clever we were. We wrote many versions of the ransom note, but Ellen never paid. On the last day of the semester, we decided to kill cabby. We cleared our furniture out of the center of the room, tied a special knot in a heavy rope, set up a spot light, and got ready for the ceremonial hanging of cabby.     

When Ellen walked in the room and took in the macabre scene, she walked to the center of the seance, untied cabby, and stated 

"You guys are so immature." 

That declaration has been used numerous times in many of our escapades since. 

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